Problems Associated With Use Of The Pacifier And Baby Bottle
In a child’s first few years, pacifier use generally doesn’t cause problems. But constant, long-term pacifier use, especially once permanent teeth come in, can lead to dental complications.
Chocolate and Your Health
Fear not chocolate lovers, good news is now at hand. Today’s studies about teeth and chocolate show a positive note. Believe it or not, chocolate is not bad for the […]
FAQ’s On Cavities
Dental Cavities Did you know cavities is the #1 disease that has children missing school? Most people have had cavities at some point in their lives. The reason for the […]
7 Ways to Fight-Off Tooth Decay
Tooth decay brings goose bumps even to the oldest and wisest of men in all races of the world. All people, rich and poor, young and old, are vulnerable to […]
Are Cavities Contagious?
According to studies, the bacteria that cause cavities can be transmitted from one person to another. Sugar, candies, and sweets are usually blamed for rotten teeth, but the real culprits […]